In honor of plush animal lovers day, I will be ranking my top ten favorite stuffed animals. Let’s get started.
In 10th place is Eeyore. Now everyone knows Eeyore. He’s sad all the time but’s still cute. He’s loved by everyone who sees him. This particular Eeyore is always warm with his nice insulated rain jacket, and always a hug away.

In 9th place is Andy. He’s cute, he’s fuzzy, and he’s a red panda. He’s one of six brothers. Even though he has a happy appearance, his left arm is broken but his pain does not stop him from smiling.

In 8th place is Bun-Bun. She is cute and very lovable. She does not speak whatsoever and is always tired.

In 7th place is Bolty. He is very sweet. He’s the third child of six and still humble, and a quiet little guy.

In 6th place is Nay. He has been with us for a while. He has one son and a nephew. He loves Chuck Norris. In his free time, he loves to read.

In 5th place is Braeden. He is a sweet lovable guy. He goes with the flow. He’s one of six boys, loves green, and cat related jokes.

In 4th place is Tedo. He is a sweet fuzzy little baby rooster, and he’s always very curious. He loves to snuggle, play, and all things Hawaii.

In 3rd place is Cuddley. He obviously loves to cuddle and is very playful. He enjoys finger painting but with his trunk.

In 2nd place is Doodles. He is a very bright pup. He always knows what to do. He’s the oldest brother of six, and he considers himself a good leader.

And last but not least in 1st place is Huckleberry. He is the second youngest of six. He loves pancakes and is very lovable and has a humble heart.

Although I like all of my stuffed animals, it was fun to make this post and rank my top ten.